Been pretty crazy busy 'round here as of late. Slammed at work, three little kiddos, getting caught up on house projects and starting up some much needed PT/strength training. Spare time - and spare time when I can sit at a keyboard, focus for five minutes and hammer out some coherent thoughts - has been pretty durn limited as of late.
Heck, I haven't even watched last night's Walking Dead yet!
A week ago, I finally made it out to the range to get project AR-(20)15 sighted in and run through its initial paces. Threw a bit of Lucky Gunner-provided ammo down range and the carbine ran extra smoothly. It deserves its own standalone entry, but suffice it to say that I am well pleased. More to come on that, and I know I owe a write up or two on some questions that came from the tribe.
Unless you've been living under a rock, Glock finally dropped a single stack 9mm, the 43. They will sell a couple million of these puppies. I am somewhat glad that I've held off on buying a single stack 9 of my own. Glock 43 and the XD(s) are the contenders right now.
5.56 is quickly recovering from the mini-panic now that the proposed "framework to be stupid" has been withdrawn by the BATF. Also, we not only won that round, but got the Director to take his ball and go home to the private sector. Good work, 'Merica.
A few interesting pieces of legislature are in the works, too - proposals to rid the world of the BATF and/or simply limit its ability to ban the sale of ammo.
Either would be great in my book!