Here are some of my big 'uns for the year:
- Rebuild emergency fund after last year's decimation; have refunded by year end
- Get down to 195 by June; generally improve overall fitness level
- Training course or two in the 2nd half of the year - book in the second quarter, attend in the 3rd quarter
- General consolidation of stuff / updating / completing various systems (go-to AR, battle rattle, EDC, etc.)
Check-in points and milestones are good, too - e.g. have X completed within the first quarter, which will allow you to do Y in the summer. Throw 'em on a calendar, set up reminders, tell somebody else about 'em and get things moving.
Like most, I'm not the bestest at completing all of my annual goals. I get lazy, busy and distracted by new shiny things like everybody else. But, in writing down some goals at the beginning of the year, I find that I usually get the majority of them done.
How about you guys and gals? What are your big goals for the year, prep related or otherwise?