> TEOTWAWKI Blog: Every Day Carry Bag Contest: Pierce's Bag



Every Day Carry Bag Contest: Pierce's Bag

My name is Pierce and this is my EDC bag. I'm using a 5.11 PUSH pack that I got used from somebody for $20, it was smaller than I expected it to be when I first got it, but that's helped me to slim down my carry as I tend to overpack. Most of these items are just for every day stuff but others have emergency uses.

From left to right:

-Bag of cough drops and some homemade hardtack for snacking, some days the hardtack is replaced by dried fruit.
-MRE Gatorade drink mix and some peach tea water flavoring
-Small boo boo kit in an Altoids tin, holds bandaids, tweezers, alcohol wipes, nail clippers, tiny roll of gauze, and smelling salts
-Hand sanitizer
-OTC meds, tylenol and ibuprofen, Pamprin for the wife, anti lactose meds for the wife, orajel, and some carmex lip balm
-Pen and sharpie
-Some quarters and a pack of gum
-Some cheapo harbor freight gloves
-Baby wipes
-Memo pad underneath the gloves and baby wipes
-Gorilla tape
-Glasses, I only need these when working on the computer
-My Ruger SR22, I know I know, I need to upgrade my handgun, but this is what I have right now and I can afford to train a lot with it
-Pocket Bible
-Super glue, lighter, matches, and batteries in a bag
-USB cellphone charger with wall attachment
-Axe spray
-Energizer headlamp
-Trauma kit, CA tourniquet, gauze, ace wrap, and a cheat seal bandage
-Nalgene 16oz bottle

It seems like a lot of gear, but most of it is near weightless, the bag weighs in around 10-15 pounds max. I need to add a couple of things, like a steel cup that the bottle can nest in, I think I will also add a Tactical Tailor 1H accessory pouch to the bottom for extra storage. Well that's it. Thanks for reading, look forward to the critique.

Alex's Comments:

Thanks for the entry!

First up, I've gotta give you a hard time on the Pamprin. Really? And a full-sized bottle of it too! Make your wife carry her own PMS meds, unless she turns into the Hulk and starts tearing off heads and such.

Also: that is a lot of cough drops. A few in the bag, replenish as needed, unless you are currently sick. Also, I hate cough drops. They barely work, leave your mouth feeling disgusting, have nasty wrappers, etc. Give Fisherman's Friend a try - you will never buy another cough drop again.

r.e. your SR-22. I've never given anyone a hard time about carrying a .22 lr (better than harsh words), though you better carry something quality in it and not just bulk pack crap. Having your gun jam on value brand ammo when some psycho is trying to kill you, all because you were too cheap to buy Mini-Mags or Stingers...bad idea.

Evaluate your bag choice. Shoulder bag, and a small one at that, hits you with a number of limitations and doesn't give you much back. An obvious tactical man purse...even less useful.

I've written about off-body carry already. Sub-optimal in many, many ways. A gun purse with a DTOM patch is about as obvious a 'gun bag' as one can get. Get a holster and carry that gun on your person.

The IFAK stuff...likely more than you need for daily carry as a citizen, especially considering the size limitations presented by your bag. The CAT and elastic bandage could become a SWAT Tourniquet or a TK-4. The Chest Seal could be improvised with the G-tape and plastic packaging, etc. Package it in a self-contained, readily available pouch - if you need to use it, you're not going to want to dig for bits and pieces.

The pocket Bible could easily be loaded onto your phone and save you some ounces.

I'd pick Tylenol or Ibuprofen (Ibuprofen gets my nod) unless there's a really specific reason for having the two.

Possible Additions:
A multitool or even a backup cutting tool would be the biggest addition to look at.

Spare cash. Enough to fill up your gas tank, get a cab to the airport, etc.

Some cotton - bandana, shemagh, spare t-shirt.

Consider adding an altoid's-ish sized survival tin - unlikely to need, but insurance. Things like safety pins, a sewing needle, fresnel lens come in handy, too.

What does the tribe say?