T-shirts are coming. Planning on having the pre-order and shopping cart up in the next day or two.
Proceeds from sale of the t-shirts will go towards funding TEOTWAWKI blog content, contests and general operations.
You Took Away Tomorrow
Other projects have been keeping me away from the 'book' version of You Took Away Tomorrow. I know many of you are chomping at the bit for this and the sequel, and I'd anticipated having it wrapped, done and available on Amazon before now. Best laid plans and all that...
There are some pretty significant changes and re-writes that I want to make--it will be a dramatically different book, and that takes a lot of work. But, I'm going to buckle down and finish hammering it out over the next couple months. I'm gunning for a July launch date, sooner if possible.
Thanks all for your patience and support - it will be worth the wait!
New Series Coming
I've got a few new post series coming to the blog that should be fun:
- Food Storage on $X a week - haven't decided on the amount yet, open to the demands of the tribe! :)
- Intro to Reloading
- Portable Solar
- 'Best of YouTube' - selected videos from YouTube
Thanks to all for stickin' with us and supporting T-Blog. We have been blessed with a truly awesome readership!