> TEOTWAWKI Blog: Photo Contest: Your Signature Apocalypse Weaponry



Photo Contest: Your Signature Apocalypse Weaponry

For the month of October, we want to celebrate monster season and the return of the Walking Dead by looking at your go-to weapons for the apocalypse/zombies rising or Commie-Nazi invading. When things hit the fan, what will be the weapons you grab to fight off the hordes of cannibal bikers? Mow down legions of undead? Fend off invading aliens?

Need an example?

Daryl Dixon on the Walking Dead is rarely without his trademark crossbow, a Horton Scout. He keeps a Busse Combat Team Gemini on his belt for up-close-and-personal zombie work, too.

Rick has his Colt Python and a Gerber folder. Shane had his Mossberg 590 and a Glock 17.

You get the idea, ya?

So, we want to see your personal selections for the end of the world as we know it - one picture and a short description of the weaponry. Methods of carry (sheaths, holsters, slings, etc.), rigs and armor would make good inclusions, too.

This is a photo contest, not about who has the most expensive stuff or who made the "best" tactical choices. We're looking at creativity, uniqueness, style, photo quality and cool factor.

One stipulation: it's got to be a reasonable amount of stuff that one person could carry, not the entire contents of your gun safe and knife drawer. No wheelbarrows full of assault rifles - sorry.

We wanted to do a fun reader contest for October, celebrating the return of the Walking Dead, zombie season, and our favorite firearms/knives/other implements of monster slaying. Reader appreciation and all that good stuff.

What's up for grabs?
We're going to have a first and second place winner. Here's the current prize line up - may be able to add some more fun stuff into the mix:

First Place: A set of (really cool!) custom zombie-camo AR-15 furniture from Choate Machine & Tool, a first aid kit from Red Dirt Gun Shop & Stock Works, a Synapse backpack from Tom Bihn and a pocket survival kit, custom designed by me!

Second Place: A pocket survival kit, custom designed by me!

Stay tuned for pictures and potential additions to the contest.

How do I enter?

  • Get your artistic side going. Maybe some meditation and incense, maybe some Metallica to get things going. 
  • Break out the good camera and figure out some good lighting/backdrop
  • Make sure your toes aren't in the picture! Snap away and pick your favorite one.
  • Write up a quick description of the what and a bit of the why. Aim for a paragraph.
  •  Send the picture and description on over to: teotwawki.blog@gmail.com.

If you have a screen name/callsign you'd like me to use, let me know, otherwise I will use initials.

By Entering...
By entering, you agree to have your submitted photo and description posted on the blog and linked to on our Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest pages.

You also agree to let me resize the image, if necessary.

Contest will run through...
Entries are open through Friday, October 26th. Winners will be announced on October 31st--Halloween!

We're going to do a weekly or bi-weekly update with entries this time around - depending on the volume of entries - in order to keep the rest of the blog content rolling forward.

If you've got any questions prior to entering, let me know - glad to help!

Have fun!
The point here is to have fun, talk guns, knives and exotic weaponry -- enjoy!