My Altoids Tin is designed as a backup in my go bag, rather than an everyday use kit. I chose the Altoids tin because it can also be used to boil water. First aid items have been omitted because I have a dedicated first aid Altoid tin.
1. I taped a signal mirror to the outside of the tin so it is very quick and easy to access.
2. A surgical blade will work as a last ditch effort and takes up less room.
3. Tin foil for making pots/pans, among many other uses.
4. Snare wire

6. Compass button
7. Wire saw
8. Safety pins
9. 1 condom for carrying water. Non-lubricated tastes much better. Magnums hold more.
10. Iodine tablets to purify water.
11. Cotton balls for extra tinder and padding contents to stop tin rattle.
12. 3 pre-soaked tinder strips.
13. Pencil
14. Fishing line wrapped around pencil for easy storage.
15. Duct tape
16. Safety pins
17. Needles
18. Weights, swivels, and small hooks. Small hooks can catch both small and large fish and take up less room.
19. 3 candles
20. Waterproof matches cut, wrapped in electrical tape, and covered in the finger of a latex glove.
21. 2 match strikers.
22. Flint stick and striker.
23. Small whistle I cut off of an emergency side release buckle.
24. Waterproof paper in plastic sleeve.
25. Magnifying glass.