I recently picked up a Surefire E1B
I've had the light for about 24 hours so far, and have to admit, it's about perfect. Build quality is rugged and well-crafted. Overall, it's a very compact light, while still maintaining an easy-to-hold size. The light is plenty bright, with awesome throw and plenty of useful throw - it blows my Falcata away completely. We're talking about lighting up objects a hundred yards away. The clickie tailcap is the best that I've handled, and the UI is simple and straightforward. The low mode still provides plenty of useful light for most tasks. I think my favorite part of the light, though, is the pocket clip. Sturdy, low-riding and with just-the-right-amount of tension. This is how to do a pocket clip! I generally carry my lights on my front, left-size IWB (about 11 o'clock), and the E1B disappears in this position...I don't notice it's there until needed, which is the point!
Again, I've only had it for a day now, and I'll be giving it a more thorough workout as it gets added into my daily carry. I'll keep you posted if my feeling about the E1B change, but so far, I'm thrilled. Big thumbs-up for EDC use!