> TEOTWAWKI Blog: Attack of the Misc!



Attack of the Misc!

Quick post today. Hope everyone had a good, happy and filling Thanksgiving and survived the chaos of Black Friday. Things have been quiet here as we've been spending time with family, relaxing and eating too much good food. We smoked our Thanksgiving turkey this year--first time. Turned out pretty well. Moist and flavorful. We probably left it on for a half an hour or so too long, though. Still mastering the art of the smoker.

I didn't see many stupendous Black Friday deals in the ads this year...10% here or there, free shipping, that kind of thing. Most of the online retailers still have their deals going on if you're shopping. We mostly stayed in and avoided the masses.

To those who have ordered t-shirts - the first shipment will go out Monday afternoon, so you should receive 'em by the middle/end of next week. Head on over to the TEOTWAWKI Store if you want to get on that first shipment. In the spirit of the blog's topic, if anyone wants to offer any trades for t-shirts, or if you prefer to use something more off-grid than PayPal, shoot us over an e-mail.