No sooner do I get the tribe's info on a progressive press (looks like the majority favors the Dillon 650, with the Hornady Lock N Load AP a close second) than Palmetto puts their reloading stuff on 20% sale.
Of course I found out after most of the inventory was gone. I am leaning towards a Hornady LNL AP at the moment for a progressive, and they were on sale for something like $385 plus shipping - usually around the $440 mark. Missed that boat. Oh well.
Anyways, I did pick up a set of dies, calipers and a couple other bits. Earlier today bought up a Lyman reloading manual, tumbler and media from Amazon. On my lunch break, I scored a new in box RCBS 505 scale for a pretty steep discount off Fleabay.
So, getting set up, minus the press. The progressive may wait and a single stage may come around for a while. Simple, less (a lot less) to break, go wrong and fiddle with. Not a bad kind of thing to have around.
Looks like it will be a weekend or two before I can get everything out and use it...several years worth of range brass pickups that need polishing. Kind of excited to get that filthy stuff cleaned up and shiny.
Note on the tumbler: Yes, I'm well aware of the shiny potential of polishing with stainless media and water. Wanted to do it the 'old fashioned' way to start out.