An old post was hit by a wave of comments today - all, I think, from the same guy:
Hi there.
I have a question and I also hope that you could explain
the life as a preper a little more, when you started and who got you
into it. When I read stories like these ( I have a read several ) it
always hits me “ why do you want to waste your life on preparing for
these catastrophes?” . The odds of some of these things happening are so
minimalistic, that you can compare it to preparing for winning in the
lottery, or maybe even the odds of world peace. I would recommend you to
think through your decision being a preper, live your life while you
still are alive. Anyway, my question to you is: when do you expect $%!@ to hit the fan? And I would also like to know what makes you believe in
these theories, the amount of things talking against it is a lot higher.
Thank you in advanced, Denmark, HTX, Simon.
Well, Simon in Denmark, I think you've been watching too much Doomsday Preppers. I think you've been misled by the media (shocking that the media would mislead someone) about what the average 'prepper' is like.
I'm a normal person. I'm married, have two kids, live in a normal house, hold a good job, obey the law, vote, pay my taxes and go to church.
I can assure you that I do live my life.
I'm not hiding in a bunker somewhere, listening to my HAM radio, while sitting atop a throne of MREs and ammo cans.
I enjoy time with family and friends, watch my share of movies and TV.
I love a good, unhealthy, Comrade Bloomberg unapproved meal.
I sleep well at night and, despite the name of the blog, I am not overly concerned with the world as we know it coming to an end any time soon.
I believe that, as a husband and father, it's my job to protect and provide for my family. And that's not just food, water and a safe place to live--it includes doing what I can to protect their liberty and rights.
The vast majority of people interested in preparedness are like me--completely ordinary people, living and enjoying their lives.
They're also people who appreciate the fragility of life and modern society, and take steps to be able to take care of themselves in good times and bad.
Taking care of yourself used to be the norm. Now--for some reason--it's abnormal.
Ever hear the old Aesop's fable about the grasshopper and the ant? Lazy grasshopper wants to play, ant works hard and puts back some extra food for the future. Guess who survives the cold days of winter?
SPOILER: the ant does.
Preparedness is not just about preparing for a comet to hit or the Yellowstone caldera to blow.
It's about living providently--like Mr. Ant. It's about putting back reserves for hard times--financial reserves, food, water, etc.--and being ready to deal with threats to life and liberty.
Having some supplies on hand in case of a disaster/emergency?
You've heard of insurance, right? Sure, you don't plan on getting in a car crash, having your home burned down or needing major surgery...but it happens to people all of the time.
The world, for all of its beauty and wonder, is an uncertain place. Mother nature and mad men with bombs have killed a great many people over the course of the world. Seems prudent to have a bit of insurance around in case, doesn't it?
Do you know when you're going to need the insurance? Nope. But it's still wise to have around, isn't it?
Heck, even the government recognizes the importance of having some basic items stored at home in case of emergency. See: FEMA, the CDC, dozens of others.
And, if you're doing it right, preparing and self sufficiency makes a great, productive and enjoyable hobby. A great many interests and skills fall under the 'preparedness' umbrella--gardening, hiking, hunting, bush crafting, camping, sewing, numismatics, history, raising livestock, alternate energy, amateur radio, vehicle mechanics, shooting, gun smithing, reloading and a host of others. Lots of stuff to learn and have fun with.
What sounds more wasteful to you? Hours spent on the couch watching sports or hours spent learning new skills and improving my family's position in life and ability to take care of itself?
Anyways, Simon from Denmark, I'd recommend opening up your eyes and ears a bit to the world around you. Read some history books--while Europe is a generally pretty calm place, not too long ago folks feared nuclear war and invasion by Communist hordes...and not too long before that, well, World War 2 happened. Maybe take a trip south to Switzerland--they get it.
Sooner or later, the cold days of winter arrive.
Comments open. Unleash the hounds!