If you're struggling with something and want ideas from the tribe, have at it. If you're following along with us on the $40 a week series, let us know how it's going. If you've found an interesting project or skill you're working on, let us know. Ideas you're researching? Those too.
This week has been an eventful week for us, getting settled in our new place and figuring out the area. Lots of unpacking.
Few bullet points of other stuff I'm working on:
- Lots of exercise moving/unpacking, but need to get back into my exercise routine. Have plans to scout out a local jiu jitsu gym, too.
- Been running dry firearms practice on a nightly basis--15 minutes or so. Have been focusing on tactical reloads lately...good stuff.
- I'm going to be mapping out multiple routes home this weekend--traffic can be nasty at rush hour.
- Refilled our water jugs (military water cans).
- Planning out $40 a weeks series - excited about this one!
- Stocking back up on staple foods - they didn't make the cut for the move.
That's it for me! What have you been working on this week?