The ESEE Izula II. |
As I'd mentioned in my initial review, I love the Izula II but found the sheath lacking. I did some quick searching and found a sheath from Al Welke. Kydex, multi-position set up for a variety of attachment methods, including Tek-Lok, which is my preferred method. The sheath was $20 shipped, without a Tek-Lok (I had a small Tek-Lok lying around). It arrived quickly, without any complications.
The sheath arrived with a very tight fit; good for retention, but it was difficult to replace the knife in the sheath. A small bit of shaving around the mouth of the sheath solved this problem, and now the knife draws and resheaths very smoothly and positively, as a good kydex sheath should. It wasn't anything difficult or time consuming to do, and was based on my own personal preferences.
Al's kydex sheath with a small Tek-Lok attached. |
At the 11 o'clock position, the Izula conceals well underneath a t-shirt and is comfortable for all-day carry. This position also allows for a fast and easy draw with either hand, even in a struggle. Forward of the hips is the easiest space on your waistline to control, create space and access in a hurry. I've found the Izula's handle to be perfectly shaped for drawing from this position; the slight curve slides right into your hand.
This is the sheath that the Izula II should have come with, and makes carrying the awesome little knife a pleasure. I've carried the Izula several times since receiving the sheath a few days ago, including on a strenuous hike up steep and rocky trails. Al's sheath held the knife firmly and comfortably in place. With a Tek-Lok, the Izula snaps onto and off of a belt--no need to thread or slide it through. If you've got an Izula lying around due to lack of carrying options, you owe it to yourself to pick up an aftermarket sheath like this.
Al's sheath is also a bit slimmer than the factory Izula sheath. Without the tek-lok, it will easily fit through the mouth of a Nalgene (or similar) bottle.
More details on Al's can be found on his BladeForum thread, here or you can contact him directly by e-mailing him at He makes sheaths for several similar styles of knives (the Becker Necker, Swamp Rat Swamp Warden, etc.), and with several different colors of kydex.