Note on the t-shirts - I've had a few people e-mail about pre-ordering. Right now, we're not ready to accept payments - I want to make sure that the printing company does a good job before we start, and we don't have the back-end set up yet. Give us a couple days and we should have everything worked out.
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Watching Track Me if You Can on Discovery, about disappearing/flying under the radar. Pretty good!
Gold at $1410. Silver at $27.76. Really wish I'd had more money around when I wrote this post.
I watched The Crazies
Skyline is hitting theaters today, and it looks like an update on the Independence Day/alien invasion movie. Initial reviews are really bad, though...currently rating 29% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Precious Metals
Gold and silver are down sharply this morning. Is it a momentary dip for profit taking or a market correction?
Ammo Deals
Remember those crazy days of 2008/early 2009? Well, ammo prices have come back to earth. There are lots of excellent deals on the interweb...AIM Surplus has a killer deal right now on 7.62x39mm (16 cents a round!).
Complaining about Optics
So I'm shopping around for some optics for my AR, and I can't for the life of me understand why quality red dots are $400+. What the heck? Yes, I realize and Aimpoint is a well made and well engineered piece of gear, but it's what, a metal housing, some glass and some very basic electronics? Why $400??? A solar calculator is more complicated. Their cost to make one of the scopes can't be anywhere close to that, can it?