Triple check your bag before flying - I go through a ritual before every trip of searching through my carry-on before flying, removing knives, lighters and any other no-fly items. I did that this trip and was confident that I'd gotten everything, but had a lingering feeling that I had a BaliYo pen somewhere in there. The BaliYo
Weight - Since my initial post on the bag, I'd cut a bit of dead weight from the bag to save on weight - fewer spare batteries, quarters, cut the altoids kit and one of the flashlights. However, this bag was my carry-on for this particular trip, so I added a few extra travel items, book, snacks and a change of clothes for the flight, and I'll admit, the bag was pretty heavy. The bag I'm using, the hard-to-find Camelbak Urban Assault, doesn't have a real waist belt to take the load off of your shoulders, so it gets a bit tiring hiking around the airport. It was definitely do-able, but I'll remember to cram a bit less into the bag in the future.
First Aid Kit - I assembled a pretty good FAK prior to leaving, and it certainly came in handy. No major wounds, but mundane everyday stuff like a pretty big sliver, headaches and allergies. Medicines will need to be re-stocked. Very handy.
Food - All of my Cliff bars were devoured by the end of the trip and will need to be restocked. My son loves these.
Electronics Kit - Did not need to use the Tekkeon
Spare Reading Glasses - My son playfully snapped my good pair of reading glasses in half, so the backups came out. My eyes are totally fine, but I need glasses to read smallish-text for any length of time; my eyes get tired and start to have trouble focusing.
Sunglasses - I'm pretty sure there's a very small scratch on one of the lenses of my Oakleys, right in the middle of it. It's in an annoying place, I'll need to replace the lens. Not sure how it happened and not particularly upset; these glasses have served well on a daily basis for about 8 months now. I usually break or scratch cheap-o pairs in a few days.
Bandana - This trip pushed the bandanna into a "must have" EDC item for me. From wiping down dew-obscured car windows to keeping my head from getting sunburned to serving as a sun shade for my napping son, it was constantly coming in handy. I also picked up a bigger "trainman" bandana
aLoksaks - USNERDOC's first aid kit video got me interested in these little waterproof bags, so I picked up a small multipak