> TEOTWAWKI Blog: Reading Lists - Forums



Reading Lists - Forums

There are a huge number of guns/knives/edc/survival forums and blogs out there, with a wealth of information for new and experience preppers alike. Thought I'd point out a few of the better boards that I've come across while perusing the interwebs. If you have any favorites that I've left off the list, please post in the comments!

AR-15.com Survival and Survival Gear forums
ARFCOM can be a wild and harsh place, but the Survival boards are generally well behaved and contain some good info. Gets a fair amount of traffic, though things seem to have slowed down since a year or two ago. Your mileage may vary on the rest of ARFCOM - if you're into AR-15s, there's plenty o' good stuff here. If you're a sensitive soul, steer clear from the General Discussion forum :).

Bladeforums Wilderness & Survival Skills
Open and friendly, with a strong focus on bushcrafting and wilderness survival, and especially the "blades" part of that. Lots of traffic.

Glocktalk Survival/Preparedness
These boards used to be one of my favorites, but I found that the quality died off a couple years back and a few of the better/senior contributors of the forum left. Haven't been following for a while, so the quality may have bounced back.

Usual Suspect Network
You need a membership to view these boards. Huge number of forums for a wide variety of man-gear and a friendly, welcoming community. Strong focus on high end production, custom knives and overly expensive gizmos, but there are also firearms, Preparedness and zombie-hunting forums, too. TAD Gear fans - this is where TAD has their boards; they're very active, post product sneak peaks, schedules and the occasional special offer. There's gratuitous pics of nice, high-end gear all over the USN - beware, your wallet will get lighter if you spend much time on these boards. Need membership to view.

Gabe Suarez/Suarez Institute's boards; reality-focused self defense with a Christian background. If you're a fan of Suarez, you'll love these boards - he posts frequently and the board covers some good topics not found elsewhere (urban sniping, for example). A strong leaning to the AK; if that's your weapon of choice, you'll find quite a bit here. Need membership to view.

Zombie Squad:
Survival and preparedness for the zombie apocalypse. I don't read ZS as much as I should. They have a large variety of forums covering a plethora of survival-related topics, including those oft-looked over by other forums, including a great First Aid forum. Friendly, fun and seem to be a younger demographic than some of the other survival communities.