As mentioned in this post, your every day carry comprises your first layer of problem-solving tools. My current personal EDC is fairly simple and straight-forward, geared towards what I face on a daily basis (sorry for the crap-quality picture).

From left to right:
- Smartphone (rides in left front pocket)
- Clickie pen (shirt pocket)
- Ka-Bar TDI in an In-Fight Access kydex sheath
- Eagle Creek wallet (right front pocket; has a tiny back-up pen inside that sees a lot of use)
- Lip balm (right front pocket)
- iPod Nano, 8GB and headphones (shirt pocket)
- Seiko Kinetic
- Keys with: Fenix AAA light, Leatherman Squirt S4
- Byrd Cara-Cara, G10 (rides in right front pocket)
(Not pictured: reading glasses)
A few notes:
Nothing extraordinary here, really--I work in an office and live in surburbia, so no boot knives, billy clubs or brass knuckles in my pockets. Affordable, "common man" gear.
I like a bigger blade and a full handle in my knives--no sissy knives here. I'm also picky about pocket clips and overall ergonomics. It has to stay clipped where I put it, and it has to be comfortable to use. The Cara-Cara wins on all these points, and it has the massive advantage of being only about $30. This Cara Cara replaced a Spyderco Endura and a Benchmade Mini-Griptillian that were my previous EDC knives, so that should tell you something.
The TDI is the only item that is only put into the rotation some of the time. Its there as a fast-access self defense weapon; the In-Fight sheath is amazing and makes the knife quite comfortable to wear and lightning fast on the draw. I wear it center line, just to the left of my belt buckle, where it can easily be drawn with either hand. When carried, it does not get used for utility purposes--the Cara Cara is there for that.
Except for the TDI, all of these tools see use on a daily basis--and they look it. I've had the Seiko for about a decade, the Leatherman Squirt on my key chain since 2003, the Fenix AAA light since 2005, and while beaten up and worn, they all function perfectly. Both of my keychain tools (and my car key) are on McGizmo clips available from TAD Gear, which I highly recommend. They make using key chain gadgets much faster and easier--detach and you're no longer tied to that ball of keys.
Putting together an EDC
When putting together your EDC, think about tools that you can't live without, and then on how to make sure those tools are always handy, easily accessible, and comfortable to carry. If it's a piece of gear important enough that it's made it into your on-person EDC--almost an extended part of your body--you want to make sure that you can quickly and easily access the tool, use it and then replace it back to where it came from. One-handed. Sitting, standing, driving and whatever other position you may find yourself in. And you want to make sure that it's comfortable, both to carry and to use.
Also, "comfort" doesn't just apply to physical comfort, but also that it's a tool that you're comfortable putting through your daily life. If you're uncomfortable using your high-end knife on the chores that you need it for, get a cheaper one. If you're worried about scratching up your expensive watch, get a beater, etc.
Your EDC going to be a part of your day, every day, so make sure that you can live with it happily :)