Reader question came through the wire:
Thanks for featuring my bag in the EDC contest. I'm looking around for
your suggestions, but I'm a little bit stuck on the shemagh. There are a
ton of options on Amazon, and every one has a bunch of contradictory
reviews (somebody says it's great quality, somebody else says it's
terrible). What brand would you recommend?
My shemaghs are all less than $10 ones. My favorite is the pirate one you see in the background of many pictures, which you can find on Amazon.
I have a few generic imported ones, too - a green Rothco (I think) rides in my BOB and we've got a couple from a company called 5ive Star Gear floating around. All have been fine.
I check for 100% cotton; if it's in person, I check the feel to make sure it's soft and doesn't feel like a cheap dye job. After that, I don't worry much.
If you want, there are higher end shemaghs out there. Triple Aught Design has one for $20 that is probably pretty nice and, knowing TAD, could become a collector's item in a year or two.
If the tribe has recommendations to share, hit it in the comments.